Yesterday I started painting the orange and black accents on the bicycle frame. It took ages to mask the right areas and get it ready for the layering of the paint. After wrapping up the frame with masking tape and paper, it looked a bit like a Christmas gift. I must admit, I was being my usual anal self when putting the masking paper and covering the parts. But I knew that taking my time and being meticulous now would make the end result worth it.
Today I was so excited to see how the masking had worked out that I went to work on the bicycle. It was like Christmas morning unwrapping the paper and masking tape off the frame. It turned out as good as I could have hoped. There were a couple of blemishes and rough spots, but overall not a bad job for my first frame painting job. I then put on a layer of clear coat onto it but was a bit disappointed with the nozzle on the spray can. It didn't diffuse the clear as evenly as the nozzle on the cans of Montana 94 paint. As a result, there were a couple of places on the frame where the clear coat dripped and this ended up messing it a bit. But it's not too big of a problem as it can be easily remedied with some wet sanding. I left the frame and forks to cure and will be back to have a look at the end result come Monday. Sadly I forgot to bring the camera with me but pictures will soon follow.
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